Prelude to Axanar

Prelude to Axanar

Prelude to Axanar

(6.8 a partir de 24 comercial)

0h 21m 2014 HD

Assistir Prelude to Axanar Filmes em Português. Prelude to Axanar is a short film that will give viewers a historical look at the events leading up to the Battle of Axanar, the central event of the film Axanar. The short is a historical look at the battle of Axanar, filmed like a History Channel special. Each character will give a different view of the war with the Klingons leading up to the final confrontation that will be chronicled in Axanar, which will be released later this year. Prelude will tell viewers about the war and what it meant to each side. Figures from both sides will talk about how the war started, how the Klingons were better prepared for war, how Starfleet built their fleet, and how the war was fought from both the Federation and Klingon perspectives. You will hear from Robert April talk about building the Enterprise, Starfleet Admiral Ramirez talk about building the Starfleet, Garth of Izar telling the story of his rise to fame and Kharn, the Klingon Supreme Commander give the Klingon view of the war.

Prelude to Axanar (2014)
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